When you consult with an expert offering Physical Therapy closest to me in Michigan, you get to know about the best exercises to follow.
Medical experts these days are suggesting physical therapy exercises to combat pain and offer fast recovery in case of injuries. Listed below are some exercises that cater to the relief of pain in the ankle, hip, muscles, knee, spine and shoulder. But before you pick any of these exercises it is important that you have an understanding of your condition and have thoroughly consulted with a physical therapist about your condition.
1. Ankle drivers and leg swings- These are considered as perfect exercises for ankle mobility and can be guided to you by an expert in Physical Therapy closest to me in Michigan.
2. Beginner plank and sit up- There are a number of exercises like plank and sit up that help in strengthening core muscles.
3. Mountain climber, hi- lo, lateral plank- These are also some exercises that focus on your core muscles which help you build endurance and stability.
4. Single leg planks, training ball and front ball tosses- These are advanced exercises that target your core muscles.
5. Body saw, plank rolls, figure 8 and PB roll out- These are considered as elite core exercises.
6. Stretching exercises- These are very helpful for reducing pain in the hip and knees.
7. Leg squats,Lateral lunges, and 3-way step squats- These are the perfect exercises if you are looking for hip and knee stability.
8. Wall slides- If shoulder scapular stability is on your mind then exercises like wall slides, and cross hearts can be beneficial for you.
9. Bear crawls- Exercises like downward dogs and bear crawls are effective in strengthening shoulder muscles.
10. Dumbbells- Exercises combining dumbbells are known to strengthen the shoulder muscles so now you know exactly when to pick up a dumbbell.
11. Theraband exercises- These are also useful for working on the pain reduction of shoulder pain.
12. Shoulder TRX exercises- Looking for ways to enhance balance and strength? Then the TRX suspension training can come of great help to you.
13. Thoracic spine exercises- A physical therapist will also be able to guide you with a number of Thoracic spine mobility exercises that help in reducing pain in the shoulder and neck region.
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